PaySure S02E02
Contracts: Termination & Restraint of Trade

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In this session

After taking a look at the basics of contracts in the first part of the series,  Tanda will dive deeper into contractual issues in Australia’s Workplace Law in part two.


It’s important to have a good understanding of the intuitive way contracts need to be designed in Australian workplaces. 

In particular, we’ll take a close look at two of the most common issues businesses come across – restraint of trade / non-compete clauses, and termination clauses.

On Wednesday the 7th of June 2023 at 11AM AEST join Tanda’s Head of Product Compliance, Andrew Stirling. Andrew will cover the key issues, and then take questions in a live Q&A.

If you can’t make the session, register anyway and we’ll send you the on-demand video shortly after.

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